Samstag, 2. Mai 2009


Welcome to R3: Re-Gard, Re-View, Re-Cycle! 

My first attempt at a blog! I've been involved with my university's student-run newspaper for the past 2 years, going on a third starting in the fall as co-editor of the Arts and Literature section with a friend of mine. I've written quite a few articles for this section, mostly reviews of shows and some international arts and literature stories. I've also written reviews for the entertainment section of our newspaper. I really enjoy writing reviews and articles, so I've decided to make this blog a review of many different things - local businesses, websites, books, movies, art, music albums, even products that I've tried, and I may sometimes throw in posts about other issues that I've researched and feel strongly about. I realize it's not very focused on one thing, but I am an ecclectic person, and hopefully this will help me develop the skills to focus more on one category in the future.

I hope you enjoy the things you read here. I would love comments on my posts, including what you think worked well in the writing and what didn't, and any comments that would generate discussion!

In addition, you can read some of my articles from the Argosy, my university's paper, at the following links:

"No Great Surprise" - - Review of guest author, Alisdair MacLeod, talk
"Write a book, watch your back" - - Investigation of Salman Rushdie and Robert Saviano, two authors who received death threats over their books
"The only place you'll find Fidel is on the back cover" - - Investigation of Fidel Castro's book opening, to which he did not show up
"Just what is a 'snippet'?" - - Investigation of Google Books controversial book search and lengthy "snippets"
"Go with the Flo" - - Review of Denver-based band the Flobots
"Immigration to the land of the rising sun" - - Investigation of the sudden drop in population in Japan, which will occur when their senior citizen population dies out
"The Anglo-Americanization of Europe's education system" - - investigation of Europe's Bologna Declaration to introduce bachelor and master's degrees into university education in Europe

Also, check out this offer that I find really interesting - tattoo designs, designed so you don't have to worry about it, by professional artists. I've gotten 4 tattoos and want to get more, and this looks like something that could be helpful to anyone with less than steller art skills who wants a specific design! Click Here!

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